Trükitehnoloogia: Termo/Termosiire
resolutsioon 203dpi
trükikiirus max 152 mm/sek
mälu 512MB
maksimum paberilaius 118mm
maksimum printimislaius 104mm
miinimum printimislaius 19mm
printimiskiirus 127mm/1sek
maksimum etiketirulli läbimõõt 127mm(pool40mm)
termokile 110mm x 300m
komplektis etiketikujundustarkvara (tekst,triipkoodid)
USB kaabel
mõõdud: 254mm x 202mm x 177mm
Label Printer Zebra ZD420 Thermal/Thermal Transfer, LAN
Pay in three equal instalments 3 x 197,42 €
592,25 € 485.45€
1 in stock
Monthly payment:
When the total of your shopping cart exceeds 900€, you can apply to pay in instalments!
The calculation is approximate and may differ from the terms offered to you. Please submit an application for a personal offer.